Long Oak Beams | Air Dried Oak Beams in Good Long Lengths

Opened today until 16:00


Old wooden wall cladding

Old oak wall cladding

Barnwood wall covering

Reclaimed wood beams

Reclaimed mooring posts

Reclaimed elm beams

Reclaimed Oregon pine beams

Reclaimed oak beams

Reclaimed pine beams

Old oak child beams

Old purlins

Old wooden pedestal

Reclaimed wood planks

Old harbor shelves

Oak railway sleepers

Reclaimed oak winepress planks

Reclaimed pine planks

Oak Reims planks

French oak planks

Reclaimed oak planks

Old oak planks

Barnwood planks

Live edge oak planks

Reclaimed wagon boards

Reclaimed hardwood wagonboards

Reclaimed pine wagonboards

Reclaimed oak wagonboards planed

Reclaimed oak wagonboards brushed

Air dried oak beams

Long oak beams

Oak beams air dried

Oak purlins wind-dried

Long oak planks

Oak slats air dried

Wood flooring

Reclaimed oak flooring

French oak flooring

Reclaimed oregon pine flooring

Old pine floor

Wood ceiling

Old oak roof boarding

Old roof boarding boards

French oak roof boarding

Wood cladding

Oak cladding

Oak table

Reclaimed oak table

Wagon plank table

Oak monastery table

Oak tree trunk table

Old oak outdoor table

Architectural collection

Antique French oak beams

18th century oak beams

Majestic antique oak beams

Silver seasoned oak beams

19th century elm beams


Opened today until 16:00

+31(0) 488 455 025

  • carousel image
  • carousel image lange eiken balken tot 45x45 cm
  • carousel image lange eiken balken 300x300 mm
  • carousel image houtwerf Frank Pouwer
  • carousel image
  • thumbnail image
  • thumbnail image lange eiken balken tot 45x45 cm
  • thumbnail image lange eiken balken 300x300 mm
  • thumbnail image houtwerf Frank Pouwer
  • thumbnail image

Long oak beams

in stock

The French started to grow and maintain their oak production forests centuries ago. At the time they did not know that the rise of the steel industry they will no longer depend on these enourmous oak trees for construction purposes.

Wood type
French oak
Section size
Large section sizes untill 60x60 cm
Lengths up to 13 meters
Lengths available
Unprocessed / Brushed
Large archicture- and interiorprojects
Visit our yard

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Long oak beams

Looking for long oak beams? At the timber yard in Doorwerth you will find oak beams with lengths of up to 14 metres. These beams can be used in the restoration of old buildings, as support beams or as building and construction timber for large projects.

Frank Pouwer: ‘I have been travelling around Europe for 15 years looking for oak beams, but I have never seen any of this size before”

Oak beams good long lengths

These are by far the longest and thickest oak beams we have ever had in stock. A single beam can weigh a few thousand kilos. The trees are estimated to be between 150 and 250 years old, and were located in the ‘Parc Naturel Régional du Gâtinais’ near Fontainebleau, France. They were felled under the supervision of the French Forestry Commission; every season they designate a number of trees as ready for harvesting. Thinning the forest ensures that young trees have a chance to develop into fully-fledged oaks. This rejuvenation process is important, particularly because young oaks absorb much more CO2 than older oaks.

Come and visit us in Doorwerth and check out the long oak beams.


Prior orders

long oak beams

  • levering lange eiken balken Parijs
  • lange oude eiken balken 300x300 mm
  • lange eiken balken 30x30 cm
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