Reclaimed Pine and Spruce Wagon Boards | Large Supply

Opened tomorrow from 08:00


Old wooden wall cladding

Reclaimed oak wall cladding

Barnwood wall covering

Architectural collection

18 century oak bench

Long reclaimed oak table

Reclaimed oak door

Solid reclaimed oak coffee table

Reclaimed wood beams

Reclaimed oak beams

Reclaimed pine beams

Reclaimed elm beams

Reclaimed oak joists

Old purlins

Reclaimed mooring posts

Reclaimed american pine beams

Old wooden pedestal

Reclaimed wood planks

Reclaimed harbor shelves

Oak Reims planks

Reclaimed pine planks

Oak track boards

Reclaimed oak planks

Reclaimed oak wine press boards

Old Oak Haystack Shelves

Barnwood Planks

Live edge oak planks

French oak planks

Reclaimed wagon boards

Oak wagonboards brushed

Reclaimed wagonboards planed

Reclaimed hardwood wagonboards

Reclaimed pine and spruce wagon boards

Air dried oak beams

Oak beams air dried

Oak purlins air dried

Long oak planks

Long oak beams

Oak Rails Air Dry

Wood flooring

Reclaimed oak floor

French oak floor

Reclaimed oregon pine floor

Reclaimed pine floor

Wood ceiling

Old oak roof boarding

Old roof boarding boards

French oak roof boarding

Wood cladding

Oak cladding

Oak table

Reclaimed oak table

Wagon plank table

Oak monastery table

Oak tree trunk table

Reclaimed oak outdoor table

Architectural collection

Antique french oak beams

18th century oak beams

Majestic antique oak beams

Silver seasoned oak beams

19th century elm beams


Opened tomorrow from 08:00

+31(0) 488 455 025

  • carousel image oude grenen wagonplanken
  • carousel image partij oude houten planken
  • carousel image oude naaldhout wagonplanken tafelblad
  • carousel image oude planken pakket
  • carousel image reclaimed wagonboards pine frank pouwer
  • carousel image Tafelblad oude grenen wagonplanken 6 cm dikte
  • thumbnail image oude grenen wagonplanken
  • thumbnail image partij oude houten planken
  • thumbnail image oude naaldhout wagonplanken tafelblad
  • thumbnail image oude planken pakket
  • thumbnail image reclaimed wagonboards pine frank pouwer
  • thumbnail image Tafelblad oude grenen wagonplanken 6 cm dikte

Reclaimed pine and spruce wagon boards

in stock

Reclaimed pine and spruce wagon boards come from enclosed freight cars.
The old wood planks can be reused for a table, furniture or floor.

Wood type
Pine / Spruce / Pitch Pine / Douglas fir
200 cm / 220 cm / 250 cm / 270 cm
Lengths available
Brushed, planed or resawn to size
Table / Wooden Floor / Furniture / Wall Shelf
Visit our yard

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Reclaimed pine and spruce wagon boards

Authentic wood wagon boards are available in multiple wood species: oak, tropical hardwood and even softwood.
These wagon boards come from enclosed, or covered, railroad cars.
The old floorboards from such a wagon are called wagon boards.
Because the wagon is covered, the floorboards have had to endure less weather and wind.
The railroads often chose pine or spruce for this type of wagon.
Fact: at the timber yard in Doorwerth there is such a closed freight wagon: just climb a flight of stairs and the wagon can be viewed inside.

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